Deep, Lasting Self-Love
Are YOU Ready to Fall Deeply In Love With Yourself?
Setting impossibly high standards for yourself & feeling like a failure when you can't meet them
Feeling unworthy of love, success, and happiness, regardless of your achievements.
Being your own worst critic, constantly downplaying your value & accomplishments.
Feeling disconnected from your own needs & desires, always putting others first while denying yourself
Believing that you must earn love and respect by being perfect or pleasing others.
Ignoring your intuition and inner voice, leading to decisions that don't align with your true self.
Feeling like you're not living up to your potential, but not knowing how to break the cycle.
Constantly comparing yourself to others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and jealousy.
Feeling guilty for taking time for self-care or pursuing your own interests.
Engaging in negative self-talk that drains your energy and dims your light.
To become SUPER confident, certain & wildly influential!
To fall deeply in love with yourself & exude confidence!
To know, respect & trust yourself deeply!
To never again depend on external validation to feel good enough!
To feel a deep sense of worthiness & self-compassion no matter what!
To no longer be so painfully hard on yourself!
To feel like a super confident badass (& attract amazing connections)!
To unapologetically celebrate & love yourself unconditionally!
Before I mastered the art of self-love, I was a workaholic.
I only knew how to create from pain. And so the successes I experienced were always bittersweet... because of how much I had to sacrifice to get there.
On some level, I thought "hard work" & self-sacrifice were the only way. Now, I understand that we can leverage self-love to succeed better, faster & more sustainably.
It was a LONG time before I woke up & discovered a better way.
Everything changed when I began to implement my proven principles of self-love. I lost 90+ pounds & went from over-extending & over-giving to get ahead to receiving care & allowing ease.
When I learned to LOVE myself unconditionally... I became a SUPER attractor.
HIGH LEVEL clients, connection & opportunities were magnetized to me.
As you master the art of self-love, you become TRULY confident & authentic.
People around you pay attention.
They immediately feel it. Your energy becomes wildly attractive.
Instead of trying to prove & chase what you desire, you attract it effortlessly.
You exude self-acceptance & joy. It radiates outwards. You quickly become a match for your desires.
As your self-relationship gets richer, you get richer too.
People want to be close to you, buy from you & connect with you. You’re now wildly magnetic.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is trying to massively uplevel your success using self-punishment. It damages your confidence & undermines trust in yourself.
The results of self-love are potent & immediate.
A rocksolid self-relationship is the KEY to unlocking everything you desire.
You cannot self-punish your way to (true) success.
Liberated from the painful agony of negative self-talk, your business becomes a playground (a highly profitable one!) instead of another battleground where you struggle to prove your worthiness, to others & to yourself.
When you learn to embody the proven self-love principles I teach, you quickly become your own best friend. You make more aligned, confident decisions.
You enjoy a more compassionate relationship with yourself.
Life’s ups & downs don't hurt as much. You’re better able to navigate "rejections" & "failures" without questioning your self-worth.
All that energy spent criticizing yourself is now spent making your dreams come true.
You experience NEXT-LEVEL well-being. You move through the world in flow, with a profound sense of happiness.
Abundance is inevitable once you reach deep, lasting self-love.
High achievers struggle endlessly to feel good enough because they look everywhere but within. They don't understand that the critical tweaks to uplevel their success will never be found in any business tactics.
Your self-relationship will determine your level of success. Always.
When you try to build a business on a shaky foundation, it can’t sustain anything. You crash & burn eventually. It's not a matter of IF but WHEN.
When your self-relationship is deeply loving, opportunities seem to fall from the sky. Things just WORK without struggle.
Even when life’s not perfect, you FEEL good. You KNOW that you always have a safe home to come back to within yourself.
If you’re unhappy with where you are, it’s time to master the art of self-love. It will get you where you want to go.
Truth is… Your outer world is simply a mirror of your inner world.
And your inner world shifts really FAST once you implement the principles of self-relationship I teach in this course.
Self-criticism is a prison sentence within your own mind.
Deep, lasting self-love will set you free.
To Sweeten the Deal.
What's Inside? Powerful Tools You Get When You Enroll!
What's This Course About?
P.S. No Perfectionism Necessary!
You Have One Year Access!
You've Got A Mission to Accomplish! Yay!
Your ONE Powerful Mission In This Course
Alternate Mission Ideas
Next Win: Add Your Mission to Your Calendar!
Reward Planner: How Will You Celebrate Your Mission Accomplished?
What to Do With Your New Insights
What Is This Test & How Does It Help Me?
The Self-Relationship Report Card (Test #1)
You're Making Great Progress!
Your First Win: The "Just Imagine" Game
Roadmap: Top 5 Action Steps
What Are These Tools?
What Is This Basic Concept Video & How Does It Benefit Me?
BASIC CONCEPT: Self-Relationship
You're Making Great Progress!
What's Next?
How Do You Build Relationship to Self?
BONUS: How Does Self-Relationship Help Me Sell?
You're Doing Amazing!
What's This Chapter About?
What's First?
The Most Honest Conversation You've Ever Had With Yourself
What Are These Journal Prompts?
How to Journal Like a Badass (OPTIONAL)
Your Next Win: Pick 3 Prompts!
What's Next?
The Benefits of Time Alone
P EXAMPLE: How I Got to Know Myself Better (Photo Project During Depression)
JOURNAL: Get to Know Yourself Better
JOURNAL: Learning From Spending Time Alone
You're Making Great Progress!
What's This Chapter About?
What's First?
How to Go From "What's WRONG With Me?" to Deep Self-Understanding & Self-Love
The Self-Talk Worksheet: 8 Questions to Rewire Your Self-Talk
What's Next?
Self Communication & Self-Soothing Examples
What's Next?
How to Grow Without Being Harsh on Yourself (Requests Not Criticisms)
Loving Self-Talk Scripts to Skyrocket Your Self-Compassion
EXPERT: How My Mama Taught Me to Master Self-Love & Confidence (Tsufit)
EXPERT: Stories of Self-Love & Self-Relationship (Gicela)
How to Get Max Value Out Of These Coaching Sessions
COACHING: Creating a Loving Self-Relationship Through Parts Work (Brooke)
COACHING: How to Feel Worthy When You're in Pain (Gicela)
COACHING: From Harsh Self-Talk to Creating a Loving Inner Parent (Nadia)
COACHING: How to STOP Being So Mean to Yourself & Feel Safe (Meg)
P EXAMPLE: Self-Love Notes I Keep In My Bathroom
CLIENT EXAMPLE: Self-Coaching Session (Lydia)
JOURNAL: Exploring Your Self-Talk Patterns
Look At You Go!
What's This Chapter About?
What's First?
Creating A Safe Home Within for Peace, Self-Love & Lasting Confidence
What's Next?
WORKSHEET: How Do You Treat Yourself in Vulnerable Moments?
Self-Soothing Activity: How to Create a Loving Meditation for Yourself
EXPERT: How to Feel Safe to Be Visible & Take Risks in Your Biz (Alex Covucci)
COACHING: How to Give Yourself the Love You're Seeking From Others (Gicela)
JOURNAL: Self-Care & Self-Loyalty
P EXAMPLE: My Sis & I Reassuring Me Before Hopping on A Plane
P EXAMPLE: The Necessity of Self-Relationship: Finding Deep Peace In A Crazy World
CLIENT EXAMPLE: Self-Love Meditation to Listen to Before Bed (Gicela)
Keep Going!
What's This Chapter About?
What's First?
Self-Relationship Worksheet: 11 Questions to Repair Your Self-Connection
What's Next?
Go On Your Quest and Follow Your Curriculum
JOURNAL: Emotional Self-Connection & Feeling Whole Again
How to Get Max Value from These Expert Sessions
EXPERT: Self-Care & Self-Love for Highly Sensitive People (Marilyn O'Malley)
COACHING: How to Love & Be Loyal to Yourself When You’re Triggered (Liz)
P EXAMPLE: For Days I'm Feeling Emotional Pain
P EXAMPLE: How I'm Self-Soothing During a Painfully Uncomfortable Week.mp4
P EXAMPLE: Trusting My Gut re Decision Making
P EXAMPLE: Loving Myself As I Process Deep Pain & Grief
P EXAMPLE: Anxiety About Where in the World Is Home
PALOMA EXAMPLE: Self-Compassion After A Difficult Situation
P EXAMPLE: Love Letter to Myself When I Was Worried
P EXAMPLE: Video For Upcoming Year (Celebrating Myself After Rough Year)
You're Making Great Progress!
What's This Chapter About?
a) Loving Your Inner Child: 8 Questions to Care for Yourself
COACHING: How to Heal the Child in You That Wasn't Allowed to Screw Up (April)
COACHING: Meeting the Inner Child's Unmet Needs & Creating a Loving Inner Parent (Kiran)
COACHING: Heal Your Inner Child's Worthiness Wounds & STOP Fearing Success (Michele)
P EXAMPLE: Cooking French Toast for My Inner Child
P EXAMPLE: Setting Up A Self-Love Zone in My Apartment
CLIENT EXAMPLE: Love Letter to My Inner Child (Isa)
JOURNAL: Unconditional Self-Love
You Are Doing Great Babe!
What's This Chapter About?
What's First?
Self-Acceptance 101: The Love All Your Parts Worksheet
Keep Going Darling!
The Healing Powers of Being Alone: Be With Yourself & Love Your Own Company
What's Next?
Healing Shame: Restore Worthiness & Deepen in Self-Compassion (Meditation)
WORKSHEET: How to Fully Feel Unconditional Self-Love
GROUP CALL: The Importance of Self-Forgiveness
COACHING: How to Heal STOP Approval-Seeking & Meet Your Deepest Needs (Fran)
COACHING: Self-Love via Self-Compassion (Sophie)
COACHING: Identifying & Transforming Painful Beliefs About Yourself... "Am I Good Enough?" (Charly)
COACHING: From Undercharging to Making a Premium Package by Healing Self-Relationship (Sabela)
COACHING: Loving & Forgiving Yourself As You Take Massive Imperfect Action (Sophie)
JOURNAL: Self-Love for High Achievers
P EXAMPLE: Every Version of Me is Worthy & Acceptable (Without Being "Polished")
Keep Going Darling!
What's This Chapter About?
What's First?
21 Loving Poses to Embody Self-Connection & Self-Love To Try TODAY!
PREVIEW: How to Explore Sexual Self-Touch
How To Explore Sexual Self-Touch to Deepen Self-Connection (Audio)
How to Explore Sexual Self-Touch to Deepen Self-Connection (PDF)
EXPERT: How to Fuckin Love Yourself & Detox from Society's Body Shaming (Erika Beal)
EXPERT: Loving Your Body, Your Expression & Your Sexuality (Pastel Supernova)
GROUP WORKSHOP: Finding Confidence in Your Body & Your Voice (Kiki)
P EXAMPLE: How I Lost 90+ Pounds With Self-Love: My Health & Wellness Secrets
P EXAMPLE: Healthy Food for Myself
I'm So Proud of You!
What's This Chapter About?
a) Loving Yourself Through Romantic Ups & Downs
EXPERT: Dating, Grief, Awkwardness & Self-Relationship (Veronica Kaulinis)
JOURNAL: Processing Love & Heartbreak
What Are These Example Videos?
What Are These Paloma Example Videos?
P EXAMPLE: Diary for Myself After Seeing My Ex-Boyfriend
P EXAMPLE: REAL After Date Reflection for Myself
P EXAMPLE: Relationships & Standards
P EXAMPLE: Me to Me Diary: My Notes to Myself On Love
P EXAMPLE: Overcoming Heartbreak
P EXAMPLE: After Spiritual Intimate Experience
P EXAMPLE: Poem I Wrote For Myself With a Broken Heart at 2am
P EXAMPLE: Loving Myself After Feeling Rejected
P EXAMPLE: Reflection on Closure After A Powerful 3-Hour Date
P EXAMPLE: Reflection on The Anxiety of Moving Slow in Dating (1 of 2)
PALOMA EXAMPLE: I Am Proud of Myself For Loving Even When I Was Scared
P EXAMPLE: Reflection on The Anxiety of Moving Slow in Dating (P 2 of 2)
P EXAMPLE: Feeling Tender About Love After an Event (Love Note to Myself)
P EXAMPLE, Self-Loving Words I Say on Dates with Myself
P EXAMPLE: Self-Love, Loyalty & Grief of Saying Goodbye
ACTION: Little Fast Wins!
PEP TALK for Rough Days
What Is This Final Project?
Your Most Potent Self-Talk
Test #2: Track Your Progress!
You've Earned a Certificate!
P.S. Down to Share Your Feedback? I'd Love to Hear Your Thoughts!
P.P.S. Will You Do Me A Little Favor?
How to Film an Amazing Testimonial (Helpful Tips!)
What Are These Samples?
Welcome Darling!
FREE PREVIEWWhat's This Course & How Does It Help Me?
FREE PREVIEWHow Does Self-Relationship Help Me Sell?
FREE PREVIEWHow to Use Self-Touch to Deepen Self-Connection
FREE PREVIEWScripts to Speak to Yourself & Transform Your Self-Talk
FREE PREVIEWExamples of My Self-Relationship
FREE PREVIEWIntroducing My Experts!
FREE PREVIEWEXPERT: How to Fuckin Love Yourself & Detox from Society's Body Shaming (Erika Beal)
FREE PREVIEWEXPERT: Stories of Self-Love & Self-Relationship (Gicela Tangarife)
FREE PREVIEWEXPERT: How My Mama Taught Me to Master Self-Love & Confidence (Tsufit)
FREE PREVIEWJOURNAL: 3 Powerful Journal Prompts to Get You Started!
FREE PREVIEWACTION STEPS: 3 Simple Wins You Can Easily Achieve Today!
FREE PREVIEWYay! You Did It! Watch This Now!
FREE PREVIEWA Few Quick Questions Before Enrolling...
Yes, yes, a million times yes! Babe, if I waited til I was perfect to do shit I'd be counting my grey beard hairs by now. You can TOTALLY succeed in my courses without: being perfect & polished, knowing all “the answers”, having a huge audience or email list, being super tech savvy, being naturally confident, having an extroverted personality (introverts, welcome!). Yes, you CAN still succeed at sales if you're an introvert. You're naturally a great listener, you're great at reading people & you have MASSIVE advantages & superpowers in sales that others don't. You can be young, old, tall, short... it doesn't matter. If you WANT it really badly & if you're committed to showing up for yourself & you do the work, I am confident you can succeed. You have to DECIDE, take the first step, invest in yourself & commit... even if you're terrified. I've often been hard on myself and thought I wasn't "ready" for the next level. Truth is, we never are. Growth scares the CRAP out of us. That's normal. As they say "feel the fear & do it anyway!" The best of the best of us leaders begin BEFORE we're ready. You're here because a big part of you is *TIRED* of playing small & giving in to fear. Give yourself every opportunity to expand to your highest potential & watch yourself blossom into the SUPER confident person you KNOW you could be. You deserve good things. Just imagine who you’ll become....
That is completely up to you. When you enroll, you get immediate access to all the content! Yay. Some of my students binge watch my courses (one of my students called it "The Netflix of Sales"); others take their time, go slow & steady. It could take you a day, a week, a month or more. The magic is that it's self-paced; you have 24'7 access to the content until your access expires. Of course you're busy; you're a cool-ass human doing EPIC stuff in this life! Ultimately, my dear, it's all about priorities. How bad do you want this change?
Other programs didn't fully work... Why? Maybe you half-assed it & didn’t take responsibility. But more likely? Cuz 1) They taught you STRATEGY not STATE (you were in your head THINKING not in your body & heart FEELING). 2) They focused on TACTICS not INNER WORK (your To Do list can't clear emotional blocks) 3) They taught you to obey THEM not YOURSELF (you became a crappy copy of your mentor NOT fully aligned with YOUR truth). 4) They focused on WORK but ignored your WOUNDS (worthiness issues fucked shit up). 5) They improved your COMPETENCE, not your CONFIDENCE (you learned the skill but didn’t learn self-loving; you felt undeserving of your results). 6) They taught "SELF-PUNISH your way to success" not SELF-LOVE. THIS is totally different. You won’t find ANYTHING else like this. Your biz can ONLY go as far as you can go personally. Unlike anyone else, I infuse self-love & healing into my biz courses. So your STATE supports the STRATEGY. Your INNER WORK supports the TACTICS. Obeying YOUR truth beats obeying MINE. You're healing your WOUNDS not just doing WORK. You gain CONFIDENCE as you build COMPETENCE. You win through SELF-LOVE not SELF-PUNISHMENT. 1 of the biggest leaders said to me "I can teach anything EXCEPT confidence. How the hell do I make my clients more confident? It's not my job." THAT'S the problem. Your confidence is my obsession. It's why they pay me the big bucks!
Nope, this is a fully digital course. Private coaching with me is minimum 5 figure+ investment & I only take on a couple clients at a time, peeps I really vibe with. My powerful digital courses allow me to share my decade-long expertise without the $15K+ investment. As part of enrolment, you'll get immediate access to life-changing videos, audios, examples, language hacks, worksheets, expert masterclasses & action steps. The AWESOME thing is, my courses often include powerful REAL recorded coaching sessions from my private clients. This means you get THOUSANDS of dollars worth of coaching sessions as part of most of my courses. Don't be surprised when these coaching sessions speak directly to your challenges. It's like I'm there, in the room, coaching YOU! If you want the opportunity to upgrade & add in private coaching with me, take these 2 steps. 1) Fill out the following application: (paste link into new browser). 2) Next, email me at [email protected] with the subject line "Coaching Application Submitted" to confirm you've submitted it. Please note that I'm VERY selective about who I offer private coaching to & I am not always available to take on one-on-one clients. The opportunity to learn from me privately is 1) a min. 5 figure+ investment 2) subject to my discretion & availability.
Sure. Feel free to spend the next 5-10 years on Google with an adult diaper, just downloading a bunch of free crap from the internet, trial & error-ing your way through the internet's misinformation, suffering, struggling, banging your head against the wall & wondering why nothing's working. Look babe. It took me 10+ years of coaching others, working with my own expensive coaches, therapists & mentors, teaching experts from 25+ countries, problem-solving, researching & creating mind-blowing tools to make your life easier.... I took one for the team & used MY precious time so that YOU don't have to. The smartest people don't waste their best years on DIY, hoping & praying stuff works. They find a powerful expert who knows their sh*t, beg them to teach them & are willing to pay ANYTHING to access their hard-earned knowledge & proven strategies. Because your time is your MOST precious resource... it's non-renewable. So no. You won't find another Paloma anywhere. Save Google for drunk searching late-night nacho recipes.
Babe, first, I don't think you're gonna want one. Second, if your gut told you to enroll & you felt called to be here, trust that. Your happiness with the course & ultimate transformation is important to me. So I put a ton of love into my work & bring you the best of my expertise. I don't do refunds for a few reasons. 1) Ain't nobody got time for that (I love spending time making beautiful tools for my peeps not dealing with annoying logistical matters) 2) I've never been asked for a refund on my courses cuz they're powerful AF... as long as you actually do them, take action & apply them instead of just going to Taco Bell & playing with your kitten, there's no reason you can't get meaningful results 3) It's a digital product so once you've opened it, it's delivered. Plus, it takes lots of my time to create upfront. This said, definitely feel free to watch my masterclasses & webinars in advance to get a feel for my teaching style before enrolling to make sure that we vibe. I encourage you to enroll intentionally, commit fully & take a moment, as you enter the course, to celebrate yourself for this life-changing act of self-love.
Yesssss babe. I love giving you options. And making it an easy, peasy no-brainer. This said, I find it SUPER sexy when people pay in full. So I sweeten the deal for them by making the pay-in-full option less expensive. If you CAN pay in full, I encourage you to take the leap & save some cash. If not, of course, click the Payment Plan option when you checkout. Either way, excited to see you inside!
I whole-heartedly love my courses & I fully believe in their power to transform your life. This said, I'm not one of those marketers who's gonna blow smoke up your butt & tell you you're gonna make 7 figures in 30 seconds. My clients have closed deals between $3K-$38K using my strategies, many have closed the biggest sales of their lives & across the board, their confidence & self-worth skyrockets... This said, it's crucial that you take full accountability for your experience because YOU are the one who's gonna change your life with these tools. Truth is, I don't know you, your natural talents or your work ethic. Everyone's different. I'm sure my lawyer mama would tell me to say this... So I'll say it: I don’t guarantee ANY results to your life, income, happiness, waistline, online dating profiles, your enchilada recipe LOL, nothing. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students. For all I know, you may never open the course, eat Doritos off your chest for the next 4 weeks & not make a single dime. I DO know, however, that my students who take this material seriously & take action see their lives change in mind-blowingly beautiful ways. The secrets I teach have made many of my clients many thousands of dollars richer & have freed them to live life on their terms. Not just cuz of me. But because they've taken the tools I've given them & committed to mastering these skills & whole-heartedly applying them to their lives & businesses.
Babe, I totally understand. When I invested $8,532 bucks (& 26 cents) in myself for my first coach, I was terrified. I'm pretty sure I cried on the sales call. And this was BEFORE my sister bought me waterproof mascara LOL This stuff can be super emotional. Good news is... You can't lose when you invest in yourself cuz of who you become in the process. For one sec, just IMAGINE if you gave to YOURSELF the same way you give to your friends, family & clients. You could take over the world! You are SO deeply worthy of this investment of time, money & energy. You deserve everything you desire in this life. If this course has called to you, don't ignore your gut. I invite you to rip off the Band-Aid, make the investment in yourself & grab the opportunity to learn from someone who has spent a decade helping experts become their most confident selves. I believe in you 100%! We need skin in the game to FULLY commit; those who don't invest don't transform cuz they haven't voted with their wallet yet. You're welcome for charging you well for this course. By giving yourself this gift & enrolling, you're teaching yourself 1) You're worth investing in 2) You are safe to spend on yourself. 3) You can charge well for your work too! Thank me later! <3 Investing in yourself is SUCH a beautiful way of saying "I believe in myself. I love myself. I trust in the universe. I will always be abundant." All great things begin with the courage to leap. Only YOU can give yourself permission, babe! See you inside xo
I'm Here to Show You How!
See you inside, darling! xo
Begin by exploring the basic concept of self-relationship, setting the stage for the transformative journey ahead. You'll assess where you stand, completing the Self-Relationship Report Card (Test #1) to get a clear picture of your current self-relationship status. This assessment will help identify areas for improvement and growth.
Next you'll learn how to care for yourself in stressful, painful situations, how to love & honor yourself through all of life's triggers.